Dirección General de Patrimonio Natural y Acción Climática - Comunidad Autónoma de la Región de Murcia
Type of ecosystem
Type of experimentation
Soil transfer
Site manager
Comunidad Autónoma Región de Murcia
Purpose of the experimentation
Acelerar la colonización de terrenos descarnados y margosos
Tipo de ecosistema elegido: Taludes margosos descarnados, ocasionalmente con cierta salinidad, dentro del piso termomediterráneo con ombrótipo semiárido
Tipo de experimentación elegida: Plantación de ejemplares producidos en vivero y transferencia de suelo.
Localización exacta del sitio piloto: https://maps.app.goo.gl/PjdZFBarTJ1n2bez8
Tipo de ecosistema elegido: Taludes margosos descarnados, ocasionalmente con cierta salinidad, dentro del piso termomediterráneo con ombrótipo semiárido
Tipo de experimentación elegida: Plantación de ejemplares producidos en vivero y transferencia de suelo.
Localización exacta del sitio piloto: https://maps.app.goo.gl/PjdZFBarTJ1n2bez8
List of species sown
Moricandia arvensis
Recogida de semillas. Producción en vivero. Plantación de los ejemplares producidos en vivero.
Transferencia de suelo: Recogida de la capa superficial de suelo en parcelas colonizadas por vegetación natural y extendido por la zona degradada.
Transferencia de suelo: Recogida de la capa superficial de suelo en parcelas colonizadas por vegetación natural y extendido por la zona degradada.
Technical report available
Col du Béal
Conservatoire d'espaces naturels d'Auvergne
Col du Béal
Type of ecosystem
Type of experimentation
Col du Béal
Site manager
CEN Auvergne
Purpose of the experimentation
Dans un objectif paysager et de reconquête pastorale, le PNR Livradois-Forez a fait appel au CEN Auvergne pour mener une opération de réensemencement d’une ancienne plantation de résineux coupée en 2010 à proximité du Col du Béal (63). Suite à une prospection du terrain, 0,8 ha a été localisée pour la restauration.
List of species sown
Pelouse à Nard très diversifiée ; Rinanthe ; Fenouil des Alpes ; Agrostis capillaire, Flouve odorante, Fétuque, Vesse ...
Récolte à la brosseuse, semis à la volée
Free description (facultative)
Description récolte : Récolte à la brosseuse et micro tracteur sur les surfaces les plus diversifiées, préséchage sur drap à l’ombre des bâtiments, stockage pour la nuit dans un garage pour semis le lendemain. Conditions météos idéales (+ de déchets en début de journée dû à la rosée). Environ 3h de récolte ; 600 m de distance entre le site de récolte et de semis.
Description semis : Semis à la volée suite à débroussaillage manuel (débroussailleuses) de la zone colonisée par des framboisiers. Sur les 3,5 ha prévus initialement, seul 0,8 ha a été réalisé en raison d’une colonisation déjà importante. 3h de travail en comprenant le débroussaillage avec 12 personnes
Description semis : Semis à la volée suite à débroussaillage manuel (débroussailleuses) de la zone colonisée par des framboisiers. Sur les 3,5 ha prévus initialement, seul 0,8 ha a été réalisé en raison d’une colonisation déjà importante. 3h de travail en comprenant le débroussaillage avec 12 personnes
Technical report available
Site manager
Céline Félix
Purpose of the experimentation
Experiment the production of wild flowers seeds according to the Vegetal Local label requirements.
The aim is to collect data concerning the production of 13 Mediterranean species among a group of 7 producers with various profiles. Information on the plants behavior and the plot management will be gathered in tables in order to improve the knowledge on the multiplication of these species. The final goal is to be able to produce a proportion of these 13 species in larger plots.
Céline is a teacher at the Lycée Agricole in Gignac. We met through Jean Christophe Bartolucci, who works at the CEN in a branch of the lycée, and agreed to launch the production of three species. They will be put into production by 6 students specializing in horticulture. Over and above their educational value, they will be helping to develop this sector in the Mediterranean. They have the manpower and equipment to monitor the development of these species.
The aim is to collect data concerning the production of 13 Mediterranean species among a group of 7 producers with various profiles. Information on the plants behavior and the plot management will be gathered in tables in order to improve the knowledge on the multiplication of these species. The final goal is to be able to produce a proportion of these 13 species in larger plots.
Céline is a teacher at the Lycée Agricole in Gignac. We met through Jean Christophe Bartolucci, who works at the CEN in a branch of the lycée, and agreed to launch the production of three species. They will be put into production by 6 students specializing in horticulture. Over and above their educational value, they will be helping to develop this sector in the Mediterranean. They have the manpower and equipment to monitor the development of these species.
List of species sown
- Salvia verbenaca (20 m2)
- Nigella damascena (20 m2)
- Linum bienne (20 m2)
- Nigella damascena (20 m2)
- Linum bienne (20 m2)
1- Production of planting in greenhouses ("pré-multiplication") - from august to february
2- Tillage of the soil to prepare the planting step - in january - february
3- Plantation of the seedlings with a density of around 15 seedlings/m² - february
4- Cultural operations (watering, weeding, ..)
5- Harvesting (manual or mechanical) - from june to july
2- Tillage of the soil to prepare the planting step - in january - february
3- Plantation of the seedlings with a density of around 15 seedlings/m² - february
4- Cultural operations (watering, weeding, ..)
5- Harvesting (manual or mechanical) - from june to july
Free description (facultative)
The protocol is not restrictive, on purpose, as the goal is to experiment differents culture and harvesting practices.
Technical report available
Les Salles du Gardon
Les Salles du Gardon
Les Salles du Gardon
Site manager
Camille Moreau et Pierre Guéniot
Purpose of the experimentation
Experiment the production of wild flowers seeds according to the Vegetal Local label requirements.
The aim is to collect data concerning the production of 13 Mediterranean species among a group of 7 producers with various profiles. Information on the plants behavior and the plot management will be gathered in tables in order to improve the knowledge on the multiplication of these species. The final goal is to be able to produce a proportion of these 13 species in larger plots.
Based near Alès, Camille and Pierre have a nursery. They produce woody plants and some herbaceous plants for the Végétal Local brand. They also collect seeds from the wild. Camille and Pierre are already aware of the approach and are highly motivated by the idea of starting seed production on a flat, irrigated plot. They can also tarpaulin a few crops.
The aim is to collect data concerning the production of 13 Mediterranean species among a group of 7 producers with various profiles. Information on the plants behavior and the plot management will be gathered in tables in order to improve the knowledge on the multiplication of these species. The final goal is to be able to produce a proportion of these 13 species in larger plots.
Based near Alès, Camille and Pierre have a nursery. They produce woody plants and some herbaceous plants for the Végétal Local brand. They also collect seeds from the wild. Camille and Pierre are already aware of the approach and are highly motivated by the idea of starting seed production on a flat, irrigated plot. They can also tarpaulin a few crops.
List of species sown
- Knautia integrifolia (80 m2)
- Trifolium angustifolium (70 m2)
- Dactylis glomerata (15 m2)
- Lolium rigidum (10 m2)
- Trifolium angustifolium (70 m2)
- Dactylis glomerata (15 m2)
- Lolium rigidum (10 m2)
1- Production of planting in greenhouses ("pré-multiplication") - from august to february
2- Tillage of the soil to prepare the planting step - in january - february
3- Plantation of the seedlings with a density of around 15 seedlings/m² - february
4- Cultural operations (watering, weeding, ..)
5- Harvesting (manual or mechanical) - from june to july
The protocol is not restrictive, on purpose, as the goal is to experiment differents culture and harvesting practices.
2- Tillage of the soil to prepare the planting step - in january - february
3- Plantation of the seedlings with a density of around 15 seedlings/m² - february
4- Cultural operations (watering, weeding, ..)
5- Harvesting (manual or mechanical) - from june to july
The protocol is not restrictive, on purpose, as the goal is to experiment differents culture and harvesting practices.
Free description (facultative)
Link to the table sheet for the crop monitoring : TO BE ADDED
Technical report available
Site manager
Cécile Defèche
Purpose of the experimentation
Experiment the production of wild flowers seeds according to the Vegetal Local label requirements.
The aim is to collect data concerning the production of 13 Mediterranean species among a group of 7 producers with various profiles. Information on the plants behavior and the plot management will be gathered in tables in order to improve the knowledge on the multiplication of these species. The final goal is to be able to produce a proportion of these 13 species in larger plots.
Cécile has produced a number of species on small areas of the Arcadie site during SUDOE Fleurs Locales project. With great care taken with the crops, they harvested batches of each of the species produced. She hopes to continue growing on small surfaces.
The aim is to collect data concerning the production of 13 Mediterranean species among a group of 7 producers with various profiles. Information on the plants behavior and the plot management will be gathered in tables in order to improve the knowledge on the multiplication of these species. The final goal is to be able to produce a proportion of these 13 species in larger plots.
Cécile has produced a number of species on small areas of the Arcadie site during SUDOE Fleurs Locales project. With great care taken with the crops, they harvested batches of each of the species produced. She hopes to continue growing on small surfaces.
List of species sown
- Salvia verbenaca (5 m2)
- Nigella damascena (5 m2)
- Nigella damascena (5 m2)
1- Production of planting in greenhouses ("pré-multiplication") - from august to february
2- Tillage of the soil to prepare the planting step - in january - february
3- Plantation of the seedlings with a density of around 15 seedlings/m² - february
4- Cultural operations (watering, weeding, ..)
5- Harvesting (manual or mechanical) - from june to july
2- Tillage of the soil to prepare the planting step - in january - february
3- Plantation of the seedlings with a density of around 15 seedlings/m² - february
4- Cultural operations (watering, weeding, ..)
5- Harvesting (manual or mechanical) - from june to july
Free description (facultative)
Link to the table sheet for the crop monitoring : TO BE ADDED
Technical report available
Type of ecosystem
Type of experimentation
Hay transfer
Corte do Gafo, Mértola, Portugal
Site manager
João Madeira
Purpose of the experimentation
The main aim is to improve the soil and control erosion by increasing the plant biodiversity/flora composition of the existing natural grassland.
Technical report available
Monte El Serral, Corrales y el Castellar.
Dirección General de Patrimonio Natural y Acción Climática - Comunidad Autónoma de la Región de Murcia
Monte El Serral, Corrales y el Castellar.
Type of ecosystem
Type of experimentation
Site manager
Comunidad Autónoma Región de Murcia
Purpose of the experimentation
Ampliar la población de la especie objetivo a través del clareo de pinares y plantación en los huecos resultantes.
List of species sown
Silene otites subsp. otites
Recogida de semillas. Producción en vivero. Clareo del pinar en la zona elegida para su plantación. Plantación de los ejemplares producidos en vivero.
Technical report available
Monte Sierra de Santa Ana
Dirección General de Patrimonio Natural y Acción Climática - Comunidad Autónoma de la Región de Murcia
Monte Sierra de Santa Ana
Type of ecosystem
Type of experimentation
Site manager
Comunidad Autónoma Región de Murcia
Purpose of the experimentation
Acelerar la colonización de terrenos con presencia de yesos.
Tipo de ecosistema elegido: Sustratos margoyesíferos con cierta salinidad, dentro del piso mesomediterráneo con ombrótipo semiárido.
Tipo de experimentación elegida: Plantación de ejemplares producidos en vivero.
Tipo de ecosistema elegido: Sustratos margoyesíferos con cierta salinidad, dentro del piso mesomediterráneo con ombrótipo semiárido.
Tipo de experimentación elegida: Plantación de ejemplares producidos en vivero.
List of species sown
Lygeum spartum.
Recogida de semillas. Producción en vivero. Plantación de los ejemplares producidos en vivero.
Technical report available
Plaine de Sarliève
Conservatoire d'espaces naturels d'Auvergne
Plaine de Sarliève
Type of ecosystem
Type of experimentation
Site manager
CEN Auvergne
Purpose of the experimentation
Restaurer une prairie de fauche diversifiée de plaine au sein d’une entité paysagère et agricole composée quasi exclusivement de zones de cultures intensives (refuge pour la biodiversité, Création de prairies favorables à des systèmes de polyculture-élevage).
List of species sown
Prairie de fauche diversifiée de plaine
Récolte à la brosseuse
Semis avec herse rotative +semoir plus rouleau en un seul passage
Semis avec herse rotative +semoir plus rouleau en un seul passage
Free description (facultative)
Description récolte : Récolte avec prestataire pour l’utilisation de la brosseuse n°2, par temps sec chaud et ensoleillé, sur 7ha. 120kg de graines récoltées. Pré séchage sur draps à l’ombre. Transfert des semences en fin de chaque journée chez un producteur de Pam (Plantes aromatiques et médicinales) pour le séchage et le tri des lots récoltés. 20 km de distance.
Description semis : Passage d’un gyrobroyeur avant le semis (végétation présente trop haute).
Semis avec herse rotative +sem oir plus rouleau en un seul passage. 27 kg de graines semées. Pluie le lendemain
Description semis : Passage d’un gyrobroyeur avant le semis (végétation présente trop haute).
Semis avec herse rotative +sem oir plus rouleau en un seul passage. 27 kg de graines semées. Pluie le lendemain
Technical report available
Pompignan (Gard - France)
Pompignan (Gard - France)
Site manager
Christophe Bernier
Purpose of the experimentation
Experiment the production of wild flowers seeds according to the Vegetal Local label requirements.
The aim is to collect data concerning the production of 13 Mediterranean species among a group of 7 producers with various profiles. Information on the plants behavior and the plot management will be gathered in tables in order to improve the knowledge on the multiplication of these species. The final goal is to be able to produce a proportion of these 13 species in larger plots.
Christophe is a naturalist which is already working in ecological restauration in Mediterranean territory. His knowledge of botany and ecology in general is invaluable to the group. He has plots on which he produces wild trees and climbing plants. As part of the SUDOE Fleurs Locales project, Christophe has multiplication beds of perennial herbaceous plants in place.
The aim is to collect data concerning the production of 13 Mediterranean species among a group of 7 producers with various profiles. Information on the plants behavior and the plot management will be gathered in tables in order to improve the knowledge on the multiplication of these species. The final goal is to be able to produce a proportion of these 13 species in larger plots.
Christophe is a naturalist which is already working in ecological restauration in Mediterranean territory. His knowledge of botany and ecology in general is invaluable to the group. He has plots on which he produces wild trees and climbing plants. As part of the SUDOE Fleurs Locales project, Christophe has multiplication beds of perennial herbaceous plants in place.
List of species sown
- Dactylis glomerata (85 m2)
- Lolium rigidum (90 m2)
- Lolium rigidum (90 m2)
1- Production of planting in greenhouses ("pré-multiplication") - from august to february
2- Tillage of the soil to prepare the planting step - in january - february
3- Plantation of the seedlings with a density of around 15 seedlings/m² - february
4- Cultural operations (watering, weeding, ..)
5- Harvesting (manual or mechanical) - from june to july
The protocol is not restrictive, on purpose, as the goal is to experiment differents culture and harvesting methods.
2- Tillage of the soil to prepare the planting step - in january - february
3- Plantation of the seedlings with a density of around 15 seedlings/m² - february
4- Cultural operations (watering, weeding, ..)
5- Harvesting (manual or mechanical) - from june to july
The protocol is not restrictive, on purpose, as the goal is to experiment differents culture and harvesting methods.
Free description (facultative)
Link to the table sheet for the crop monitoring : TO BE ADDED
Technical report available
Saint Dionisy
Saint Dionisy
Saint Dionisy
Site manager
Armelle Dongois
Purpose of the experimentation
Experiment the production of wild flowers seeds according to the Vegetal Local label requirements.
The aim is to collect data concerning the production of 13 Mediterranean species among a group of 7 producers with various profiles. Information on the plants behavior and the plot management will be gathered in tables in order to improve the knowledge on the multiplication of these species. The final goal is to be able to produce a proportion of these 13 species in larger plots.
As a nurserywoman and producer on the Fleurs Locales project, Armelle tried out several methods for identical species: mulching, shredding, etc. Her approach is very interesting, as she already has some planting beds in place (sage, canary grass, etc.) and would like to expand her production a little with new species.
The aim is to collect data concerning the production of 13 Mediterranean species among a group of 7 producers with various profiles. Information on the plants behavior and the plot management will be gathered in tables in order to improve the knowledge on the multiplication of these species. The final goal is to be able to produce a proportion of these 13 species in larger plots.
As a nurserywoman and producer on the Fleurs Locales project, Armelle tried out several methods for identical species: mulching, shredding, etc. Her approach is very interesting, as she already has some planting beds in place (sage, canary grass, etc.) and would like to expand her production a little with new species.
List of species sown
- Bituminaria bituminosa (20 m2)
- Linum bienne (30 m2)
- Nigella damascena (15 m2)
- Linum bienne (30 m2)
- Nigella damascena (15 m2)
1- Production of planting in greenhouses ("pré-multiplication") - from august to february
2- Tillage of the soil to prepare the planting step - in january - february
3- Plantation of the seedlings with a density of around 15 seedlings/m² - february
4- Cultural operations (watering, weeding, ..)
5- Harvesting (manual or mechanical) - from june to july
2- Tillage of the soil to prepare the planting step - in january - february
3- Plantation of the seedlings with a density of around 15 seedlings/m² - february
4- Cultural operations (watering, weeding, ..)
5- Harvesting (manual or mechanical) - from june to july
Free description (facultative)
Link to the table sheet for the crop monitoring : TO BE ADDED
Technical report available
Saint Etienne de l’Olm
Saint Etienne de l’Olm
Saint Etienne de l’Olm
Site manager
Yoachim Gruzelle
Purpose of the experimentation
Experiment the production of wild flowers seeds according to the Vegetal Local label requirements.
The aim is to collect data concerning the production of 13 Mediterranean species among a group of 7 producers with various profiles. Information on the plants behavior and the plot management will be gathered in tables in order to improve the knowledge on the multiplication of these species. The final goal is to be able to produce a proportion of these 13 species in larger plots.
Yoachim had decided to plant wildflowers between these rows of lavender, oregano and savory. He had tried several species (during SUDOE Fleurs Locales project) and decided to keep only one that had worked very well in his area: verbena sage. In particular, he would like to try harvesting it mechanically.
The aim is to collect data concerning the production of 13 Mediterranean species among a group of 7 producers with various profiles. Information on the plants behavior and the plot management will be gathered in tables in order to improve the knowledge on the multiplication of these species. The final goal is to be able to produce a proportion of these 13 species in larger plots.
Yoachim had decided to plant wildflowers between these rows of lavender, oregano and savory. He had tried several species (during SUDOE Fleurs Locales project) and decided to keep only one that had worked very well in his area: verbena sage. In particular, he would like to try harvesting it mechanically.
List of species sown
- Salvia verbenaca (80 m2)
1- Production of planting in greenhouses ("pré-multiplication") - from august to february
2- Tillage of the soil to prepare the planting step - in january - february
3- Plantation of the seedlings with a density of around 15 seedlings/m² - february
4- Cultural operations (watering, weeding, ..)
5- Harvesting (manual or mechanical) - from june to july
2- Tillage of the soil to prepare the planting step - in january - february
3- Plantation of the seedlings with a density of around 15 seedlings/m² - february
4- Cultural operations (watering, weeding, ..)
5- Harvesting (manual or mechanical) - from june to july
Free description (facultative)
Link to the table sheet for the crop monitoring : TO BE ADDED
Technical report available
Saint Pons de Mauchiens
Saint Pons de Mauchiens
Saint Pons de Mauchiens
Site manager
Thibaud Rodriguez
Purpose of the experimentation
Experiment the production of wild flowers seeds according to the Vegetal Local label requirements.
The aim is to collect data concerning the production of 13 Mediterranean species among a group of 7 producers with various profiles. Information on the plants behavior and the plot management will be gathered in tables in order to improve the knowledge on the multiplication of these species. The final goal is to be able to produce a proportion of these 13 species in larger plots.
A naturalist and former CEN employee, Thibaut already gleans herbaceous seeds around the farm on which he is launching his agricultural project. He wants to diversify his activity and produce wild seeds. He will plant these crops in the middle of the rows of fruit trees and vines.
The aim is to collect data concerning the production of 13 Mediterranean species among a group of 7 producers with various profiles. Information on the plants behavior and the plot management will be gathered in tables in order to improve the knowledge on the multiplication of these species. The final goal is to be able to produce a proportion of these 13 species in larger plots.
A naturalist and former CEN employee, Thibaut already gleans herbaceous seeds around the farm on which he is launching his agricultural project. He wants to diversify his activity and produce wild seeds. He will plant these crops in the middle of the rows of fruit trees and vines.
List of species sown
- Knautia integrifolia (20 m2)
- Scabiosa atropurpurea (50 m2)
- Trifolium angustifolium (30 m2)
- Bituminaria bituminosa (50 m2)
- Linum bienne (20 m2)
- Scabiosa atropurpurea (50 m2)
- Trifolium angustifolium (30 m2)
- Bituminaria bituminosa (50 m2)
- Linum bienne (20 m2)
1- Production of planting in greenhouses ("pré-multiplication") - from august to february
2- Tillage of the soil to prepare the planting step - in january - february
3- Plantation of the seedlings with a density of around 15 seedlings/m² - february
4- Cultural operations (watering, weeding, ..)
5- Harvesting (manual or mechanical) - from june to july
2- Tillage of the soil to prepare the planting step - in january - february
3- Plantation of the seedlings with a density of around 15 seedlings/m² - february
4- Cultural operations (watering, weeding, ..)
5- Harvesting (manual or mechanical) - from june to july
Free description (facultative)
Link to the table sheet for the crop monitoring : TO BE ADDED
Technical report available
Site manager
Murielle Pavaux
Purpose of the experimentation
Experiment the production of wild flowers seeds according to the Vegetal Local label requirements.
The aim is to collect data concerning the production of 13 Mediterranean species among a group of 7 producers with various profiles. Information on the plants behavior and the plot management will be gathered in tables in order to improve the knowledge on the multiplication of these species. The final goal is to be able to produce a proportion of these 13 species in larger plots.
Murielle is starting out in wild seed production. However, she already has experience in vegetable and ornamental flower seed production, which is her main activity. She has a loamy soil, a well and a great curiosity to launch into this production.
The aim is to collect data concerning the production of 13 Mediterranean species among a group of 7 producers with various profiles. Information on the plants behavior and the plot management will be gathered in tables in order to improve the knowledge on the multiplication of these species. The final goal is to be able to produce a proportion of these 13 species in larger plots.
Murielle is starting out in wild seed production. However, she already has experience in vegetable and ornamental flower seed production, which is her main activity. She has a loamy soil, a well and a great curiosity to launch into this production.
List of species sown
- Scabiosa atropurpurea (50 m2)
- Nigella damascena (60 m2)
- Bituminaria bituminosa (30 m2)
- Linum bienne (30 m2)
- Nigella damascena (60 m2)
- Bituminaria bituminosa (30 m2)
- Linum bienne (30 m2)
1- Production of planting in greenhouses ("pré-multiplication") - from august to february
2- Tillage of the soil to prepare the planting step - in january - february
3- Plantation of the seedlings with a density of around 15 seedlings/m² - february
4- Cultural operations (watering, weeding, ..)
5- Harvesting (manual or mechanical) - from june to july
2- Tillage of the soil to prepare the planting step - in january - february
3- Plantation of the seedlings with a density of around 15 seedlings/m² - february
4- Cultural operations (watering, weeding, ..)
5- Harvesting (manual or mechanical) - from june to july
Free description (facultative)
Link to the table sheet for the crop monitoring : TO BE ADDED
Technical report available
Ski Parque- Sameiro, Manteigas (Parque Natural da Serra da Estrela)
Ski Parque- Sameiro, Manteigas (Parque Natural da Serra da Estrela)
Type of ecosystem
Type of experimentation
Hay transfer
Largo Relva da Reboleira Manteigas, Portugal 6260-311
Site manager
Purpose of the experimentation
O MORE CoLAB , enquanto entidade beneficiária, será responsável pela implementação do ensaio-piloto no Parque Natural Serra da Estrela (PNSE), com vista à recuperação de áreas ardidas através do restauro ecológico, utilizando sementes de plantas herbáceas silvestres nativas.
Technical report available
Vigne de Mur-sur-Allier
Conservatoire d'espaces naturels d'Auvergne
Vigne de Mur-sur-Allier
Type of ecosystem
Type of experimentation
Site manager
CEN Auvergne
Purpose of the experimentation
La gestion habituelle du vigneron est de conserver la végétation de développant naturellement en inter-rang de vigne. Ses parcelles sont souvent des parcelles de cultures converties, la végétation est donc spontanée, formée des adventices de cultures. L’objectif pour l’exploitant était plutôt le couvert herbacé « fleuri », visant l’origan pour s’approcher du terroir d’une autre parcelle de l’exploitation. La végétation choisie a donc été une végétation plutôt maigre et fleurie.
List of species sown
Prairie thermophile calcaire, origan (espèce cible pour le viticulteur et gestionnaire – enjeu Azuré du serpolet), sainfoin, graminées…
Récolte à la brosseuse et à la butineuse
Semis à la volée
Semis à la volée
Free description (facultative)
Description récolte : Une première récolte à la brosseuse qui a permis de récolter une « base » plutôt axée graminées, une seconde à la butineuse qui a permis de viser des fleurs, et notamment l’origan. L’utilisation de la butineuse a permis la récolte de graines très petites, et de pouvoir insister sur les espèces recherchées.
Description semis : Travail léger du sol en amont 2 fois, les 2 récoltes ont été mélangées et semées à la main pour environ 6-7 kg. La terre a été tirée au râteau, pas de passage de rouleau (terrain pentu et collant). Un rang sur 2 a été travaillé, permettant de travailler dans la parcelle tout l’hiver, voire plus si besoin.
Description semis : Travail léger du sol en amont 2 fois, les 2 récoltes ont été mélangées et semées à la main pour environ 6-7 kg. La terre a été tirée au râteau, pas de passage de rouleau (terrain pentu et collant). Un rang sur 2 a été travaillé, permettant de travailler dans la parcelle tout l’hiver, voire plus si besoin.
Technical report available