Fleurs locales project presentation to the society
Centre of Molecular and Environmental Biology
António Teixeira
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Long title
Chains for the restoration of biodiversity by native seeds in vineyards, agrosystems and natural spaces in the Mediterranean - Interreg Sudoe "Fleurs locales"
- Other
Summary (500 words)
The Interreg Sudoe "Fleurs locales" project generates concrete responses to the massive erosion of biodiversity, accelerated by climate change: Our goal consists in adaptation of protocols for the restoration of Mediterranean environments and the construction of ecological restoration chains with all stakeholders (space managers, scientists, producers of seeds, communities, users, etc.,) gathered around "local biodiversity management contracts." Pilot territories are mobilized in the three countries of the SUDOE space. Based on common methods, each partner develops restoration chains to respond to specific local challenges (vineyards, olive groves, flowering meadows). The 7 project partners (scientists, managers and socio-economic actors) combine their skills to establish mixtures of native seeds and to structure restoration chains adapted to the diversity of the needs of the environments of the southwestern region of Europe. University of Minho/CBMA will work in close collaboration with the associated partner of the "Fleurs locales” project ADVID, and a vineyard enterprise from Douro DOC region. Particularly, we will evaluate the suitability of using mixtures of native species as cover crops in the vineyards alley rows.

Working group