
Jornadas AMJA

Subheading Las praderas silvestres en el paisajismo sostenible
Organizing entity or co-organizing entities
  • Semillas Silvestres
Start date 14.10.2021
  • Online
Type of event Webinar
Description On October 14, 2021 from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., our technical director gave an online course about the importance of wild meadows in sustainable landscaping, organized by AMJA Multisectoral Association of Andalusian Gardening.
Speakers Cándido Gálvez


For which working group was the event organized ?
In which theme does the event belong ?
  • Protocols
  • Awareness raising
  • Land managers mobilization
  • Seed mixes
  • Value chains
  • Economic references
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