
Visita a la empresa Vila maquinaria agrícola-Vigerm S.L.

Organizing entity or co-organizing entities
  • Semillas Silvestres
Start date 14.09.2022
End date 15.09.2022
  • Face to face
Type of event Other
Description The use of native seeds sometimes requires collaboration between very different sectors. On Septeber 15 Cándido Gálvez had had the opportunity to collaborate in the development of the direct seeder under development by Vila maquinaria agrícola-Vigerm S.L. (Jaime Vila y Marta Vila) for the correct sowing of our seeds and seed mixtures. In this case, the collaboration between the Lerida University (Antonio Abad), a viticulturist of Penedès interested in the installation of roofs, a manufacturer of agricultural machinery and Semillas Silvestres represents a step forward towards the sustainability of Mediterranean woody crops, through the implementation of herbaceous roofs. Another achievement of the Fleurs Locales project in its third year of development.
Speakers Cándido Gálvez


For which working group was the event organized ? WG2 : Scientific
In which theme does the event belong ?
  • Seed mixes
  • Economic references
Is this content confidential or can we share it on the newsletter and the website ? Public