
Visita a Prado de Siega

Organizing entity or co-organizing entities
  • Semillas Silvestres
Start date 07.09.2022
  • Face to face
Type of event Colloquium
Description Visit to Prado de Siega in the Atlantic Botanical Garden in Gijón for the development of a collaboration agreement for the dissemination of the use and multiplication of native seed of the Cantabrian Cornice. Meeting with Luis Miguel Álvarez and Borja Jímenez Alfaro (Jardín Botánico Atlántico).
Speakers Cándido Gálvez (Semillas Silvestres), Luis Miguel Álvarez (Jardín Botánico Atlántico) y Borja Jímenez Alfaro (Jardín Botánico Atlántico y Universidad de Oviedo)


For which working group was the event organized ? GT2: experimentación y restauración - GT2 : expérimentation et restauration
In which theme does the event belong ?
  • Protocols
  • Awareness raising
  • Land managers mobilization
  • Seed mixes
  • Value chains
Is this content confidential or can we share it on the newsletter and the website ? Public