
III Jornada Semillas sin Fronteras

Subheading III Encuentro de intercambio de Semillas
Organizing entity or co-organizing entities
  • Semillas Silvestres
Start date 16.10.2021
  • Face to face
Plateform and online tools Córdoba
Type of event Other
Description As a prelude to the XVIII Feria Andaluza de la Biodiversidad Agrícola, we were invited by the Royal Botanical Garden of Córdoba, on October 16, to participate in the III Encuentro de intercambio de Semillas.
The project had great interest from the attendees.
Speakers Real Jardín Botánico de Córdoba


For which working group was the event organized ?
In which theme does the event belong ?
  • Land managers mobilization
  • Value chains
Is this content confidential or can we share it on the newsletter and the website ? Public