Organization FAB'LIM

Les Salles du Gardon

Location Les Salles du Gardon
Site manager  Camille Moreau et Pierre Guéniot
Purpose of the experimentation Experiment the production of wild flowers seeds according to the Vegetal Local label requirements.
The aim is to collect data concerning the production of 13 Mediterranean species among a group of 7 producers with various profiles. Information on the plants behavior and the plot management will be gathered in tables in order to improve the knowledge on the multiplication of these species. The final goal is to be able to produce a proportion of these 13 species in larger plots.

Based near Alès, Camille and Pierre have a nursery. They produce woody plants and some herbaceous plants for the Végétal Local brand. They also collect seeds from the wild. Camille and Pierre are already aware of the approach and are highly motivated by the idea of starting seed production on a flat, irrigated plot. They can also tarpaulin a few crops.
List of species sown - Knautia integrifolia (80 m2)
- Trifolium angustifolium (70 m2)
- Dactylis glomerata (15 m2)
- Lolium rigidum (10 m2)
Protocol 1- Production of planting in greenhouses ("pré-multiplication") - from august to february
2- Tillage of the soil to prepare the planting step - in january - february
3- Plantation of the seedlings with a density of around 15 seedlings/m² - february
4- Cultural operations (watering, weeding, ..)
5- Harvesting (manual or mechanical) - from june to july

The protocol is not restrictive, on purpose, as the goal is to experiment differents culture and harvesting practices.
Free description (facultative) Link to the table sheet for the crop monitoring : TO BE ADDED
Technical report available  Non